What is MD15128, History of MD15128, Explain MD15128, MD15128 and fumehoods

What is MD15128 speaks to the history of MD15128, explain MD15128 and Md15128 and fumehoods.

Government Minimum Guidelines for Fume Hoods

  • Procedures & Protocols issued March 2008 Fume Hoods & Fume Hood Systems Description of Service MD15128 Prior to 2004 the Treasury Board Guideline TB 5.1 on fume hood sash face velocity tests was withdrawn.
  • Since then it has been the responsibility of each individual Government departments Corporate Occupational Health and Safety committee to determine which standards are to be adopted. MD 15128 is the first and only document developed by PWGSC as a minimum guideline for testing laboratory fume hoods.
  • This guideline to this time has not been enforced but PWGSC encourages client departments, who are in most cases the users of the fume hoods, to utilize the guideline to ensure the health and safety of the employees.
  • MD 15128 guideline states the test methods required and indicates the test equipment required to meet the guidelines. It is the onus of the testing agency to use correct equipment to perform the test procedures.

    MD15128 deals with existing fume hoods as well as new fume hood installation. The MD 15128 guidelines dealing with new fume hood installation should be dealt with between the design consultant and laboratory manager.

    The above information was provided with input from:

    Timothy Ma, P. Eng. PMP, Senior Mechanical Engineer

  • PWGSC, Mechanical & Maintenance Engineering Group
  • Architectural & Engineering Resources, Real Property Branch
  • 9A1, Place du Portage, Phase 3, 11 Laurier Ave,
  • Gatineau, Quebec, Canada
  • K1A 0S5
  • Phone 819-956-0465
  • Fax 819-956-2720
  • Email Timothy.Ma@pwgsc.gc.ca

    Public Works and Government Services Canada with this document presents a revised MD, Minimum Guidelines for Laboratory Fume Hoods, dated January 2004.

    Building, operating and maintaining laboratory facilities requires unique skills and knowledge to protect the health and safety of laboratory workers. The fume hood is one of the most common protection devices used in laboratories.

    A previous version of this guideline was published in 1988. However, the following have led to the revision of this document.

    An increasing awareness of health and safety concerns regarding improperly operating fume hoods.

    Advances in fume hood technology have made it more challenging to compare fume hood performance.

    Recognition that fume hoods must not be tested in isolation. The environment in which they operate must also be considered.

    While ASHRAE 110 has defined basic fume hood test procedures, a performance guideline was not available. A primary feature of MD15128 is the identification of specific pass/fail performance criteria. As additional factors affect the performance of fume hoods, tests for these criteria cover a broad spectrum, including variable air volume, cross draft, alarm/monitor and other tests to supplement those identified in ASHRAE 110.

    The objective of MD15128 dovetails with the branch’s commissioning efforts for laboratory projects. Commissioning officers should become familiar with this guideline in order to oversee the collection of data and test results that are required to properly install and safely operate and maintain fume hood systems.

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